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Håndrehabiliterings Træningsapparat

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Bærbar hver enkelt hånd rehabilitering robotenhed med pneumatisk håndsker til slagterhånd funktion øvelse

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Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise manufacture
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise details
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise details
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise details
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise details
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise factory
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise factory
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise manufacture
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise details
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise manufacture
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise supplier
Bærbare lette håndrehabiliteringsenheder med robotisk genopretningshandske til slagtilfælde håndrehabilitering
Kontrol enheds størrelse
16,2*8,56*4,38cm (lille)
Kontrol enheds vægt
0,5KG (let)
Justerbar behandlings tid
5~60 minutter
Li-ion batteri volumen
træning af en eller flere fingre (intensiv/ spring pleje), robotassisteret træning for hele hånden til stræk og bøjning, spejleterapi træning
det kan indstille forskellige tider for forlængelse og fleksion individuelt fra 1~9 sekunder
Standard sæt inkluderer
1 enhed + 1 enkelt genopbygningshandske (til hånden, der har brug for rehabiliteringsøvelser) + 1 enkelt spejlehandske (til den sunde hånd) + 1 rem til at bæres på skulderen
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise manufacture
Recovery Handske Størrelsesguide
BEMÆRK: før du afgiver ordren forhånd rehabiliterings robot handske, venligst oplys hvilken hånd (højre eller venstre) der har brug for rehabilitering for at vælge den rigtige handske.
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise factory
Hvorfor vælge os
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise supplier
Portable each carry hand rehabilitation robot devices with pneumatic gloves for stroke hand function exercise manufacture
Produkter":[1600501632454,1600398018022,1600492175136,60597916925,1600481138733,1600274906456]}}},"version":1}" class="icbu-pc-detailSellerRecommend magic-44">

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