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Lekárske prevozové lôžko

 > Lekárske prevozové lôžko

Zdravotnícke elektrické nemocničné lôžko na prevoz pacienta s menšou bolesťou a námahou v porovnaní s prevozom pacienta s diapozitívmi alebo doskami

Popis produktu
Popis produktu
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Nosič sa používa na starostlivosť, pohyb a prepravu pacientov, starších a postihnutých, na dokončenie automatického prekračovania postele
1. Zmaľovanie pacienta do inej polohy, umožňujúce ošetrovateľovi vyčistiť pacienta a posteľ 2. Prenos pacienta, vrátane vyzdvihnutia pacienta z inej postele alebo operačného stola, presun pacienta na nové miesto. 3. Vráť sa. Potrebujeme jednotlivého operátora, s armatúrou, ktorá umožňuje pohyb hore a dole, paralelné pohyby, pohonný chod. 4. pri pohybe/preložení nie je relatívny pohyb medzi pacientom a posteľou, čo je pre pacienta pohodlné a bezpečné. 5. - Čo? Spĺňa základné normy zdravotníckeho vybavenia. 6. S elektrickým pohonom a digitálnym ovládaním sa ľahko šetrí čas a práca, čo poskytuje okamžitú bezpečnosť.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Názov produktu
Elektrický prenosný gurney pre pacientov
ovládač rukoväte
Na prenos pacienta z postele na posteľ
priateľský k pokožke
Bez práce, nulové trauma, pohodlné a bezpečné
Maximálna hmotnosť
Spôsoby balenia
Balené v drevenej krabici
veľkosť balenia: 2300*850*820mm
celková hrubá hmotnosť 340kg
Celková hmotnosť postele
Popredajný servis
Online technická podpora
Podrobnosti o produktoch
Pohybná zábradlia
aby som stiahol zábradlie
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Tlačte na elektrickú transferovú posteľ
aby som to urobil.zatvoriťnemocničná posteľ s pacientom
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Inteligentný ovládač
s inteligentnými funkciami
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Nastaviteľná výška prepravného lôžka
na prispôsobenie sa výške iných nemocničných lôžok alebo zariadení
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
na nastavenie výšky postele na rovnakú výšku ako úroveň postele pacienta
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Aby ste vyzdvihli pacienta z inej postele na postieľku prepravy
ľahko a s menšou prácou a bolesťou.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Keď bola posteľ s pacientom presunutá na posteľ,
upravte výšku transfer bed na vyššiu úroveň pre tlačenie alebo ťahanie transfer bed ľahšie
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Vytiahnite zábradlie na miesto dobrechrániť pacienta pred pádom
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Motorové kolesá so 4 univerzálnymi kolieskamiaby sa prenosná posteľ bezproblémovo pohybovala a voľne sa otáčala
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Aplikácia a výhody
Prepravný nosník je dobrá pomôcka pri preprave pacientov do nemocnice.
Vyhnite sa sekundárnemu poškodeniu, rozlúčte sa s ručným zdvíhaním.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Profil spoločnosti
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Prečo nás vybrať
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Doporučené produkty

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