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Medisinsk overføring pasientseng

 > Medisinsk overføring pasientseng

Medisinsk elektrisk sykehusseng for pasientoverføring med mindre smerte og arbeid sammenlignet med glideark eller brettoverføringspasient

Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Trallen brukes til å ta vare på, flytte og overføre pasienter, eldre og funksjonshemmede, for å fullføre automatisk sengeskifting
1. ei røyrsle Til å thifting pasienten til ein annan stilling, slik at omsorgsperson rengjer pasienten og senga 2. Å flytta pasienten, inkludert å hente pasienten frå ein annan seng eller operasjonsbord, flytta pasienten til ein ny stad. 3. "Vel, ikkje sant". Ein mann treng eit arbeid, med armatur som gjer at du kan bevege deg opp og ned, gå parallelt, og gå på motor. 4. under flyting/overføring, er det ingen relativ rørsle mellom pasienten og senga, komfortabel og trygg for pasienten. 5. Møt med medisinsk utstyr til grunnstandarden. 6. Med elektrisk styreskip og digital kontroll er det lett å spara både tid og arbeidskraft, og det gjev umiddelbar tryggleik.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Elektrisk Pasientoverføring Gurney
håndtakks kontrollert
For overføring av pasient fra seng til seng
huden vennlig
Arbeidsfri, null skade, komfortabel og trygg
Maks vekt kapasitet
Pakket i tre kasse
pakkestørrelse: 2300*850*820mm
total bruttovekt 340kg
Leir total vekt
Online teknisk støtte
Flyttbar beskyttelsesgelender
å trekke ned beskyttelsesgelenderet
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Skyv den elektriske overføringssengen
å gjøre detlukksykehussengen med pasient
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Intelligent kontroller
med smarte funksjoner
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Justerbar høyde på overføringssengen
for å tilpasse høyden til andre sykehussenger eller utstyr
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
for å justere høyden på overføringssengen til samme høyde som pasientsengen
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Å løfte pasienten fra en annen seng til overføringssengen
enkelt og med minst mulig arbeid og smerte.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient manufacture
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Etter at sengestammen med pasient er flyttet over på overføringssengen,
juster høyden på overføringssengen til et høyere nivå for å skyve eller trekke overføringssengen lettere
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Trekk opp beskyttelsesgelenderet på plass godtfor å beskytte pasienten mot å falle
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Strømhjul med 4 universelle hjulfor å gjøre at overføringssengen kjører jevnt og snur fritt
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
Anvendelse& Fordeler
Overføringsbåren er et godt hjelpemiddel for å overføre pasienter på sykehus.
Unngå sekundærskader, si farvel til manuell løfting.
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient details
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient factory
Hvorfor velge oss
Medical electric hospital bed for patient transfer with less pain and labor compared to slide sheet or boards transfer patient supplier
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